Sometimes off-the-shelf electronics won’t cut it. We solder up circuits and write software to make it tick.
We contrast old-school metal fabrication with robotic CNC machining. From fully automated TV lifts to decorative trims and details, we have a solution for your project.
We have a dedicated 3D Print farm constantly churning out parts to make our installations better.
Most consumer products are made with plastic. Knowing how to handle each plastic properly is a huge advantage when customizing and modifying components for projects.
Coastal Integrated was founded in 2003 with the sole purpose to do things better. Our teams are constantly finding ways to improve process, technology, designs and for course customer outcomes. This focus and quality-first approach allows us build superior integrated systems that outlast and out preform the competition.
In the early years Coastal Integrated focused almost exclusively on videoconferencing and commercial installs. Today our projects consist of both commercial and residential projects with the residential component being exclusively large scale multi year residential projects.